Which small turn could change everything?

New Horizons for you and your team through micro-change.

Why 2° degrees?

And not forty-five, you might ask?

Imagine you’re sailing from New York to Portugal. And change course by two degrees.

Guess where you end up?

In Morocco.

Not only a different country, but an entirely different continent.

Never underestimate the power of small change.

From my East German Kindergarten HQ to India, New Zealand, and now Portugal, I tested many lifestyles. Who was I on the phone with? God? The state security service of East Germany? We will never find out.

About Jessica Labesehr

I help people design more intentional lives through the power of small change.


from untapped to mapped

Thanks to unlimited travel freedom (my parents didn’t enjoy in East Germany), I’ve taken many turns.

Haven’t we all?

We always know when something needs to change even though the direction isn’t clear, just yet.

My relentlessly probing brain had me ask some big questions at age eight: Why am I here? Why do so many people struggle? And a few thrive?

Looking for answers, I tested a breadth of lifestyles.

Setting up camp in the library during my academic years.

Returning to the basics in India where I studied ancient principles to navigate the mystery that is life.

Calling New Zealand home for 14 years where I founded my first business and worked a corporate job for an award-winning tech company.

Now based in Portugal, I help people identify their next two degree turn to design a more intentional life.

In between … jobs, projects, careers, countries or communities?

Learn 3 micro-shifts to navigate your transition with ease and clarity.

Your 2 ° Turn

What’s the next micro-shift that could change everything?
For you and your team.


Book me to speak at your next event.


Let’s facilitate insight for your team or group.


Explore new horizons in life and business.

Topics I approach:

  • Bye Bye Burnout

  • Slow Down to Speed Up

  • Power of a 2 ° Turn

  • In | Between - Navigating a Transition

  • Travelling the Distance